Infuse your chain
with Espresso:


Espresso is the coordination layer for chains to create maximum value for their users – and capture that value for their ecosystems.
Scale without
Espresso's HotShot finality gadget is optimistically responsive and guarantees fast transaction finality and throughput limited only by network bandwidth.
Perfectly paired
with Ethereum
HotShot scales to tens of thousands of nodes while maintaining strong performance to enable participation of Ethereum’s full validator set.
at its best
Espresso allows proposers to bid for blockspace across multiple rollups, making cross-chain messaging and bridging cheaper, faster, and safer.

We're building for:

Whether you are developing a chain, a rollup, or an application, get the seamless interoperability, sustained scale, fast finality, and strong guarantees of Espresso. Offer your users all of this - without sacrificing the chain’s sovereignty or value capture.
Participate as Chain
With Espresso, you can take your NFT trades seamlessly cross chain, your in-game assets outside their native ecosystems, your swaps and positions out of their rollup-specific silos, and more. Choose apps fueled by Espresso for the open, interoperable experience you wanted from Web3 in the first place.
Espresso provides new lines of revenue for infrastructure providers like block builders that bid on the Espresso Marketplace and node operators that secure the Espresso Network.
Today’s rollup teams develop and maintain all components as a singular package - not modular systems that could easily be swapped or upgraded.
Rollups operate in their own silos, introducing all the same issues of interoperability that L1s have experienced.
From sequencing to execution and proving, today's rollups are all run and maintained by their own teams - sacrificing credible neutrality and monopoly-resistance.
Shared sequencing
Many rollups leverage the benefits of the Espresso Sequencer, creating efficiencies for interoperability & beyond.
A permissionless network of nodes running the Espresso Sequencer offers robust data availability and transaction ordering.
HotShot Consensus is optimistically responsive, so rollups don't compromise on high throughput or fast finality.
Easy integration
The Espresso Sequencer is designed to work seamlessly with existing rollup frameworks and other modular systems.
Proposer-Builder Separation
Espresso Sequencer is designed to be compatible with proposer-builder separation, a paradigm that supports mitigation of the harmful effects of MEV.
Agnostic Ordering
Designed to work with any approach to transaction ordering, from First Come First Serve to MEV-optimized.
Cross-Rollup Building
Block builders across multiple rollups only need to coordinate with one proposer, enabling them to guarantee order and outcomes.
Execution and Outcomes
With block builders integrated, users will receive guarantees of transaction inclusion and execution across multiple rollups.
Participate as
L2 Rollup
If you are building a rollup, we want to work with you.
For support in integrating with us, get in touch here.
Participate as Node Operator
If you’d like to help secure Espresso and have experience running node infrastructure, please reach out.

Research & Resources

Espresso’s HotShot Consensus Protocol is Now Open Source
Going Cross-Game and Cross-Chain with Treasure DAO and Espresso Systems
Bankless: AggLayer & Espresso
Participate as a L2 Rollup
Participate as a Node Operator